What is Torrent and How to Block Torrent Downloads?
What is Torrent ?
BitTorrent also known as torrent, which is a type of protocol used to download the data from the internet using peer to peer connection and also known as P2P connection. It works on the basic of downloading the single file from the various web sources & existence of the data. Torrent works with two methods, one is uploading and downloading. we called it as Seeders and Peers respectively. When Seeders uploads the file, the peers can able to download it from the seeders. So the file is not in the single server, it depends on who seeds the file. Even you will be seeded while you download the files, but you should not to be greedy to stop that because torrent works in the way of give and take policy. So if you avoid seeding and keep on downloading, it leads the torrent to lose the health and it will die.
Who created the Torrent?
Torrent was created by the Bram Cohen. This was created to share the files with every one in the Internet. Then a torrent community formed and make it use. Now a days torrent is the one of the popular way to download pirated contents.
Why it become popular among internet users?
Torrent become more popular because its free to use, free from spyware & ad-ware, Download the file at high speed when it have huge uploaders.
Also Read : How to Manage Torrent Downloads Remotely
How it Differ from Normal Download manager?
Normal Download manager split the single Existing file from a source into various parts and download that simultaneously to get the speedy download, But the Torrent Download the bits of file from Various number of sources. The speed of the torrent Download depends up on the number of seeds available (source) and the traffic on the network.
Port Used By the Torrent:
- Torrent use the TCP port for the establish connection and receive the files from the seeds.
- For the home user the port forwarding is between the port 6880 – 6889
- For the computer connected in the network torrent use the various port ranges 6890-6899 or 6990-6999.
- Thus the torrent use only the port ranges from the 6880 – 6999.
- The ports work in such a way thus it try to establish a connection through the port 6881 , If it is busy with some other operation torrent check for the next port 6882, if its also busy its go for the next… this process was going on. to establish a connection
Block the torrent for the network users:
While using the many of the computers in the network. The users have a option to download the huge number of files using the torrent client. Due to that the bandwidth limit may exceeds. we can block the ports used by the torrent protocol using the router or by the firewall software.
Blocking the torrent port using the router is advisable.
- The BitTorrent port starts from port 6880 to port 6999.
- You want to block the entire port to stop the access done by the torrent.
- Dont allow users to install any Bittorrent client.
By Blocking the Ports, you can simply block the Torrent Downloads. It is the only way to block all torrent programs and you can save your internet bandwidth.
Trouble shooting the Connection with Torrent:
- Having trouble to establish the connection using the torrent its mainly because of the firewall & the router.
- Exclude the torrent ports from the firewall & configure the router to open the ports used by the torrent.
- If its all done it will work smoothly without any interruption.
Best Torrent Client
These are the some of the torrent clients used to download the DATA from the Internet
If you have any doubts regarding torrent download, kindly drop us in comment section.
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All websites like these are real good and trustworthy selections for the users to shift from the New Pirate Bay.
Sometimes your ISP may limit your bandwidth per month.
Agora is the 1st film to become shot entirely on
nice post bud thanks for that. I will redistribute this page link as much as possible as its nice and concise. one thing I would like to see added is blocking anything that has the word torrent in the page and/or URL though this can create false positives it rules out 90 somewhat percent of all torrent downloading and even browsing for them. sorry for any bad grammar English is a 3rg language for me
I am using a dna infotel internet wifi
So this Wifi my android mobile was not working in Utorrent speedly there are ISP p2p blocked or torrent blocked
So how i can unblock it and use
PLzzz give mi solution
I am very sad and trouble in this problem
Contact your service Provider.