Softwares Archive

Free Online PDF to HTML Converter

Author: | Categories: General, Softwares 2 Comments
some web designers prefer to use real HTML documents instead of PDF documents on their websites.HTML pages are easily indexed by search engines and reading is more convenient in this format as well. The general conclusion is that using HTML is simply more convenient.

Previewing The New Windows Store

Author: | Categories: General, Softwares, Windows 2 Comments
If you have ever used a Mac computer, or any other Apple based device, you are probably familiar with iTunes and the App Store. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can download content to the computer or mobile device, without going to the marketer's website and downloading

5 Best Mobile Apps That Make Teachers More Productive

Author: | Categories: Gadgets, General, Softwares 5 Comments
Android from Google has come up as the most competent platform which provides efficient support to various diverse applications on different niches. These days’ many developers and product based companies around the world are focusing on making learning and student life easier by providing lots many applications for easy

Protecting Your Computer Part 2: Backup and Data Recovery

Author: | Categories: General, Softwares 1 Comment
Most of us don’t regularly backup our files or even have a clue about data recovery software. So for the rest of us, a computer virus attack rarely plays out with such ease. When disaster strikes, it strikes with a vengeance leaving you staring at a blue screen with

Protecting Your Computer Part 1: Antivirus

Author: | Categories: General, Softwares 1 Comment
Spyware, worms, and Trojan Horses. These words are spoken in hushed tones in computer labs, offices and homes all over the world; it’s as if just saying the name – computer virus – would make you a target.