How to create Google+ profile nickname
Google+ is the new social network launched last week, and the new third party web applications are started to launch for Google+. Here is the New and excellent web application which used to Choose Nickname for our Google+ profile. Yes, like Facebook we can create the Google+ profile nickname but it is not the Official one but it can be used to share our Profile URL in short form. (ex:
Also Read: Google+ Looks Exactly like Facebook
First Go to Google+ Home page and login with your Login details. After login Click Profile Icon button.
After your Profile is loaded Check the Address bar. Copy the PROFILE ID from the URL (ex: 100606730323900645181)
Now go to and you can make your own Nickname for your Profile. Type the nickname in NICK NAME text box which you need for your profile and Paste the Profile ID in the GOOGLE+ ID text box.
And Click ‘ADD’ button. You will get Confirmation message on the site and you can visit your Google+ profile by the New Nickname fo Gplus (ex: Soon add your Nickname before someone takes it.
Also Read: How to import Facebook Friends to Google+
Have a look at Video Tutorial how to Create Nickname in
After creating Post your New Nickname url in Comment section. We will Add you to our Google+ Circles. Even you can Add me to your circle by Visiting my Google+ Profile
Also Read: How to Transform Google+ into Facebook
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Superb article :):)
Thanks for Your comment Polash
The video shown above is very nice and very interesting…..this shows that Google + will be making a big bang in world of social networking and social media.
Thanks to Tech2Hell, to provide us all the necessary technical facts, and step by step instructions…
Thanks for your comment Donesh. Subscribe our email updates and plz do share to your friends 🙂
This is through a website, is there anyway to get ?
Still Google didnt give such features. We are waiting for that. If Google release such update we will write about it.. Subscribe email of ur post. and be in touch. Thank you
You can use http:// , it’s make vanity URL for your Google+ Profile like http://
Thanks for your information…
nice article vincent raja…
Thanks for this post , cool share…. 😀 this may help us to share our profile id just like url shortner…… 😀
Yes it was… Thanks for your comment antodoms
When ever i tried to make nick name, it always shows “This Google+ Id is already registered for” like this. Any solutions???
Thanks in advance
Some one already registered that username. so try some other unique name.
Thanks for your attention.
had tried countless times/nicknames. same results. Is there any limitation to create nickname, means only once like that????
Thanks in advance.
Yes of course. One username for one account. you can not create another username for same account.
Now i got it, i updated with desired name instead of creating new. It worked.
Thanks again..,
You are always Welcome Vinay 🙂
how to rename my nikename or remove the google PROFILE ID from
I think there is no way to rename or Remove till now.
Instead of rename, there is an option of “update nickname”. Just log on to your G+ and go to the, click the “update nickname”.
Thanks for your Comment Vinay 🙂
thanks for the help this article seems helpful for newbie’s
Yes it does .. Thanks for your comment