How to Transform Google+ into Facebook
All we know Google has launched Google+ New Social network which come exactly like facebook features except hangouts and Circle features. More people stays with Facebook because they are addicted to it, Especially the White and Blue theme and Few features. Now its time to Transform Your Google+ account in Facebook. Yes, all you need is Google Chrome Browser and a simple ‘FACEBOOK+’ Extension.
Also Read: How to import Facebook Friends to your Google+
Have a look of these pictures. Click on the Picture to view it larger
Even you can see the changes like News Feed and what’s on your Mind?
Click Here to Download ‘FACEBOOK+’ Extension for Google Chorme from Chrome Web Store
Credits Tothepc
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I would never turn Google+ into Facebook! Facebook is great, and has seriously altered our society and the way we communicate.. HOWEVER, Google+ has already solved the MAJOR flaw of Facebook… -it’s privacy management.
Every single GUY I know has stopped posting to Facebook because they get odd feedback from a long lost Aunt about their beer-drinking escapade(s).
Circles will change everything. Look to facebook launching a similar solution in the near future, or they’re TOAST!
Ya.. Really you are correct.. But Facebook still have that privacy feature like You can hide the post to specific people. Why cant you try that.
I hope this will help you:
Nice to see the things you shared but I’m not able to try it due to the reason that I still not able to get my Google Plus account. Not too sure why the still have restriction for members despite it had already officially launched.
Its Still In development Stage. So wait for few days.. Google+ will be opened for all
Vincent, Great post again. Also, I see that even though you’re enjoying the new Google+ you’ still have an attachment with good ‘ol facebook like all of us. Nice !
Of Course. Im really enjoying new Google+, Thanks for your Comment