How to clear saved passwords in Google Chrome

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Privacy is the most important thing in the Internet world. All you know, When you login any service online you can see ‘Do you want to Save the Password?’. Its a pretty good and handy feature to store our passwords in our browser. If you save the password browser will automatically type the password and username in the field when you open the site. Its good but its not recommended to save the password in shared computers. In case if you have to give the laptop or PC to the service, you have to clear your history and saved passwords to prevent from theft. So lets here we going to see how to clear the saved passwords from the browser.


Clear saved password in Chrome

How to Clear Saved Passwords in Google Chrome

Here I am using the Google Chrome Version 12 for demo. First all you need to open the browser and you can see the TOOL ICON’ which is located on the Right side top under the Close button. Click on the Tool Icon and Select ‘OPTIONS’ from the drag down box.

chrome options

Chrome will open Setting page, In that Click on the ‘PERSONAL STUFFS’ and now you can see ‘Manage Saved Passwords..’ button, Click on it.

Chome manage saved password

Now you can see all your saved password in the list. Now you can remove selected username and password by clicking X button near to the appropriate username.

Delete chrome password

If you want to clear all the saved passwords go to ‘UNDER THE HOOD’ in the option page and click ‘CLEAR BROWSING DATA’.

Chrome Clear browsing data

Now the popup will arise, in that Select ‘Beginning of the Time’  and check the box ‘CLEAR SAVED PASSWORDS’ and check whatever you need more. then Click ‘CLEAR BROWSING DATA’.

Clear browsing dataDone, Now your password is cleared now you can be feel privacy.

Any Doubts, Have a look at our Video Tutorial:

How to Clear Password in Google Chrome

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  1. Posted by Ayush Agrawal
    • Posted by Vincent Raja

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