Greeting Box on Your WordPress Blog
See the rectangle above this text? That is what we are talking about today.
Yes this box with Greeting message and link is created by Free. You Can also Create this greeting message to your blog to greet your visitors. Download Wp GREET BOX plugin to Greet your visitors.
The specialty of this Greeting box creates customized greeting messages for your visitors depending on the source they come from.
For example, if they came to your blog after a Google search, the Greeting box will display a message like this:

WP Greet Box Plugin
Like this Wp Greet Box will show various Greeting Messages, where they are coming from, Even You can edit the Greeting Messages and You can also give Custom Link to their Messages. Through this you can get new Subscribers and More sharing over World. This Plugin Wont take long to load because it have Cache to load fast enough.Even We are using this plugin. Through this we are satisfied with our Visitors. You can check our blog How Wp Greet Box Plugin Works.
Download: WP GREET BOX
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Thanks for Sharing this Plug-In Vincent..
You always welcome 🙂 Hope to See you here soon 🙂
i was using this but removed it 🙂
This plugin helps to new blog to increase their followers 🙂 Thanks for your valuable comment. Hope to see you here soon 🙂
This plugin doesn’t work for latest version of WP. Any others worth trying?
Yes, its not supporting latest version. we are searching for new plugin like this.. we will inform u if we got new one..
thank you
Update: I installed it manually and it works like a charm! I’m using WP 3.1.1 if that helps. I can’t believe I didn’t find this plugin sooner, much better than WWSGD plugin.
Thanks for your comment
What do you mean by manually? Like you uploaded it by FTP and then activated from the admin panel or is it something else?
Yes u can do like that.. upload by FTP and activate through Admin panel. or u can search and install… both are easy way 🙂
For some reason, it doesnt show up on my blog. I tried finding out the reason but everything seems just fine still it doesnt work. Any ideas on that?
Sorry Zubair… This plugin is not working with Latest 3.1 WordPress interface..
Thanks for sharing this, please try to post it once the plugin is updated to 3.1 version.
Thanks bro,
Sure i will
Yeah! Thanks
Thanks for Sharing this Plug-In. but i cant use it on my blog,its nothing showing 🙁
Sorry. This Plugin is not working with latest version of WordPress. We are still Waiting for the Update of this plugin from the creator. if it works fine. we will announce it.