Create Mobile site for your blog in 5 Minutes
We know lots of people having blog how a days. They write about their passion and make passionate readers. Now a days people browse internet through mobile phones. Even more than 50% of social networks accessed by mobile devices. Great example is Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and more. So what you think your blog readers will read your blog through mobile phones?. Yes of course they use to read. They can read your original blog through mobile, but it takes lots of time to load. so Simple mobile site is good for mobile readers. so today i going to guide you to create Mobile site for your blog. Its time to setup your blog for your mobile readers. MobStac Create blazing-fast mobile website for your blog in 5 minutes. Type in the URL of your blog and let MobStac do the rest. Its simple. Let me Guide You.
Go to MOBSTAC.COM and create account through signup and Register your blog with your blog feeds URL. You can setup your Blog through your Dashboard in Mobstac Site. Your Mobile Blog is Powered by Disqus Commenting System. You can Analysis the statistics of your blog visitors, even you can install plugin in yours wordpress to track the visitors in Your wordpress dashboard itself. Even you can earn through mobile blog, yes you can add adsense ad in your post in your mobile site. You can add your Twitter ID and Youtube username to publish your content in Social Media. After setting up your mobile blog you will get your mobile blog url. (Example: Now go to your Cpanel of your and Create a Subdomain “” (Example: and make it redirect to Your blog Mobstac URL. Thats all, Now your Mobile Site for your blog is ready. type from your mobile browser and See your Mobile site of your blog. Even we have mobile Site. check out If you have any doubt regarding this feel free to ask in comments.
Start now at WWW.MOBSTAC.COM
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Creating a mobile site is a must today.
Millions more are expected to access the website using smart phone devices.
Best to get established now so that we dont get left behind.
Traffic is traffic (be it via PC or mobile device)
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Great tutorial given in your blog.I am impressed.Given post in your blog is simple yet so descriptive.
Thanks for your Comment 🙂
Great tips on creating sites.I really liked it a lot.Thanks a lot for sharing.Keep sharing like this always and update your blog as well.
Thanks for your Comment
nice frnd ….Great tutorial given in your blog
Thanks for your comment viral 🙂
Great tutorial given in your blog
Nice info..thnx
nice tutorial, thanks