8 Mistakes Of Custom Software Development Now A Days
Large corporations have readily available software which are easily purchasable off the shelf in many stores. A great yet simple example of this is Microsoft’s Office package with their relatively large selection of corporate software such as Access, PowerPoint, Word, Excel and the likes. While they do provide excellent value and are relatively powerful in delivering the needs of data applications to companies, there will eventually come a time when large corporations wish to incorporate different types of data which cannot be handled by software such as Microsoft Office. For this reason, companies put their faith in custom software developers to create a more functional software package that deal with the user defined data. There are many software companies available around the world, but there are also potential risks involved when choosing some of them. Most importantly, the methods applied by the software developer and the requirements of the client can play a big role towards a successful customised software end product.
Why Use Custom Software
One might ask to why they should use a custom software. Creating a customised software can be costly and time consuming but it definitely pays off in the form of the end product. Consider a large manufacturing company who deals with water pipes for instance. They create a large number of products and wish to sell them off to potential buyers in large industries. For this, they might require a large inventory software to keep track of sales in their line of work. Using software off the shelf or programs such as spreadsheets might work, but it can be time consuming. By using customised software, the piping company can create a system that fully automates any sales process available through online payment systems and even keep track of their inventory in the same process hence eliminating the need for a staff worker to manually input any data which comes through the system.
In Australia, one custom software development company in Sydney called Corporate Interactive has been in the software development industry for many years. They specialise in a vast range of software development from business software to e-commerce software as well as mobile applications creation. From concept to paper to reality, Corporate Interactive has the experience and work model which creates a successful custom software development project. In proof of this, it is evident through their website that many globally recognised corporations have put their trust in Corporate Interactive when it comes to custom software development.
8 Mistakes Of Custom Software Development
When the time comes for a company to hire a software developer, the client will expect the developer to know everything. This is of course true to a point, but initial design stages and pre-project development has to be seriously discussed and maintained during the phases of the custom software creation. A large majority of the mistakes do not always come from the developer, but mostly come from the client themselves. Since the mistakes are virtually endless, some of the common errors involved in both sides of client and developer are:
- Going for the cheapest developer
- Expecting the project to be completed in a hurry
- Not knowing the ability and repertoire of the developer
- Selecting only one of many developers without researching them
- Not being able to be involved in the development process
- Paying a fixed price or too large for an upfront payment
- Not able to keep the source code from the developer
- Reluctance of signing a non-disclosure agreement by the developer
Due to these potential errors, a client should always choose a developer with a healthy presence in the community. Companies such as Corporate Interactive besides being a reliable and strong company in developing software even participates in charity work such as providing sponsorship of sailors with disabilities. These added values show that the software company is not money hungry and really care for their clients and reflect their dedication in the form of charity work.
By sticking to pure logic and simplicity, anybody can have a successful custom software project completed smoothly. Now that we know why companies would prefer to use customised software as well as the mistakes involved in dealing with custom software development, it is always a safe bet to stick with companies that have the experience, ability and the acknowledgement of their many past clients such as Corporate Interactive which can be seen in their testimonials page. By following the safe practices of software development, any company can gain an advantage in many areas.
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